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Radon Removal Systems is a family-owned business providing services to families throughout Maine and New Hampshire since 1986.
We always work to insure that our systems meet or exceed standards set by the various regulatory bodies that oversee our industry.

During those years there have been many changes affecting the mitigation industry and the maintenance of a healthy indoor environment. Research has expanded to reveal the crucial relationship between indoor air quality and health.

Asthmas, allergies, other health issues have been linked to indoor environmental factors.

Building codes have expanded to reflect concern for the indoor environment by incorporating green codes to insure proper ventilation rates and protect against mold, moisture, and radon soil gas.

Finally, technologies have evolved to provide new products and increased energy efficiencies to manage and maintain ever higher standards of indoor air quality.

Our goal for the future is to continue to assist our clients with services and professional advice required to build and maintain the healthy home of the 21st century.